As a freelance editor, formatter, cover designer, as well as. publisher, I believe that every person has a voice that deserves to be heard.
Do you need help with your novel’s themes, character arcs, and pacing? Perhaps a final proofread? Do you need a query critique or to workshop the blurb before you send it to your dream agent?
You know you need to hook the reader but is your opener strong enough? Are you looking for help plotting your book or a coach to get you through it?
Maybe you simply don’t know where to start… but want to take the next steps in your writing career.
I am here to help!

Editorial Services
Line Edits
A line edit assists in sentence structure, info dumping, word choice, reading flow, pet words, repitition and may point out any inconsistencies in characterization or plot.
Copy Edits
A copy edit will find spelling errors, the dreaded double [the], grammar and punctuation.
A proofread checks for typos or formatting issues, while refraining from copyediting or structural edits.
Are you ready to hit that publish button but need the words lined up just right? Does your manuscript have images? I use both Microsoft Word and Adobe InDesign in formatting books to provide authors the varied file types for ebook [.kpf (for kindle), epub, mobi] and print [.docx & .pdf].

Packages & Critique

Graphic Design
Logo Design
Your logo is something that is unique to your business and something that easily identifies your brand. Incorporating the brand style sheets we craft unique designs to get you noticed. The average consumer today usually has a short attention span. We live in a day and age where we are being bombarded all day long with marketing messages from companies about various products and services they sell. Having a high-quality logo can be a fantastic way to capture the customer’s attention and convince them to give your particular company a chance. A well-done logo can speak volumes about your business’s core values.
Cost $ [varied contact for a quote]
Book Graphics & Mockups
Book mockup $10
Ad graphic [includes 3 sizes for varied media] $25.00
Video [Varies contact for pricing]
Cover Fix
Have an issue with the cover and can't reach the original designer. Have no fear, most issues can be fixed.
[Contact for pricing]

Coaching & Consultations
Need help along the way? Want to meet weekly or monthly to go over your goals, wins and challenges? Need some general writing coaching?
Coaching & Consultations [$30 hourly]